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Nourisheat Case Study


Nourisheat, a Midnapore Hatcheries Group, was founded by the late Nemai Chand Maiti as a commercial venture for producing domesticated birds such as chicken to suit West Bengal's expanding demand for chicken. Their top priority is to provide high-quality eggs to their customers. They ensure that their eggs are exceptionally healthy and delicious while keeping their customers' health and hygiene in mind. Each production is uncompromising when it comes to quality, and at Aspire, we made sure to uphold that with our digital skills. In this Nourisheat Case Study, we will look at all of the phases that went into transforming Nourisheat from a small business to a brand.


Food and Beverage


🥚Website Development

🥚Video shoot & Photoshoot

🥚 Branding & Packaging

🥚 Social Media Management and Marketing

🥚Search Engine Optimization


Nourisheat Case Study
Golden Ball


People have traditionally purchased eggs from roadside vendors in their neighborhoods. The greatest challenge was getting individuals to change their usual practice of purchasing unbranded eggs in favour of Nourish Eat. Furthermore, eggs are basic commodities. Marketing a commodity requires specialised knowledge and techniques. Another significant challenge was to present an age-old commodity like eggs in an innovative way that makes consumers question their selections. Let’s begin the Nourisheat Case Study by saying exactly what Aspire’s team did to make all of that happen!

Well, we started right from scratch! We used our knowledge of digital marketing to craft carefully chosen strategies that would increase Nourisheat's exposure. We subsequently went on to develop a website that was distinctive, offering every customer a fresh perspective on purchasing high-quality eggs. We invested our experience, knowledge, and expertise into it to capture the essence of Nourisheat and bring the brand to the forefront of success through photoshoots and videography. Our designers created aesthetically appealing packaging for the product, and our social media marketing team even worked on their distributorship, promotions, and ads. Our professionals made it a point to use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to position their website at the top of the Google search engine Result Page.


A vision and strategy aren’t enough. The long-term key to success is execution! At Aspire, our team put together all of their innovation and creativity to curate the perfect plan to launch Nourisheat into the digital world and then applied it with consistency. We waited for the results, and without a doubt, we were successful. In this Nourisheat Case Study, let us now begin to unravel how we were able to push Nourisheat towards a bright future with our digital marketing strategies. 

Nourisheat Case Study Website

Website Development

The Nourisheat Case Study has to begin with how we built a website for Nourisheat from scratch! Aspire’s designers and website developers crafted a website that beautifully captivated and showcased the essence of the brand’s production of eggs. Our team created content that was engaging as well as informative for the website. We aimed to cultivate customer loyalty with an easy user experience.

Nourisheat Case Study Website

Branding & Packaging

For the Nourisheat case study, our team of designers also took on the challenge of creating a distinguishing brand design and packaging. Aspire’s expertise unraveled as the team developed a branding strategy that reflected Nourisheat’s commitment to quality eggs. We designed the logo and the packaging keeping in mind the trust and authenticity that the brand wanted to evoke. As a result, Nourisheat witnessed an increase in its presence in the market and recognition.

Nourisheat Case Study

Video shoot & Photoshoot

Our team executed captivating photo and video shoots for Nourisheat. We captured the farm-to-table journey, showcasing the freshness and quality of eggs. From picturesque shots of free-range hens to engaging videos on sustainable farming practices, the content resonated with the target audience, conveying the company’s commitment to ethical and nutritious products. The shoots significantly elevated Nourisheat’s brand image, increasing engagement and consumer trust.

Nourisheat Case Study

Social Media Marketing

Aspire’s social media marketing team promoted Nourisheat on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. With the use of creative ideas and engaging content, we showed the brand’s dedication to premium-quality eggs and sustainable production practices. We strategically optimised maximum engagement for the posts, thus raising brand awareness for Nourisheat.

Nourisheat Case Study

Search Engine Optimization

In the Nourisheat Case Study, we also have to mention how Aspire utilised SEO to improve Nourisheat’s online visibility and organic search rankings.

By conducting research on the keywords used for egg production, we used the information we found by adapting it into the content used for the website, product descriptions, and tags. This improved Nourisheat’s search rankings.

Nourisheat Case Study
Nourisheat Case Study


The Nourisheat case study sought campaigns that displayed Nourisheat as an egg production brand that is reliable and of high quality. We created promotional posts that emphasised their ethical farming practices and production. With targeted ads, we made sure that the content reached the right audience and conveyed the brand’s authenticity. This also increased their visibility.



Keywords Rank in 1st Page 


Post Reach


Engagement Rate


 Instagram Page Reach


Facebook Page Reach


 Campaign Reach


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