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Sresth Ora Case Study


Residing in Eastern India, Sresth Ora is a trusted and renowned brand, serving with authentic oils for the past 22 years. Since its arrival in the industry, Sresth Ora has specialized with a range of oils and many others, delivering the goodness of health and taste to every customer. Every Sresth Ora product adds the beneficial aspects of health and perfect taste to every dish you prepare like no other. Every serving is made in finesse, and at Aspire we decided to spread that goodness even more with our digital skills. Let us explore the many steps that went into turning Sresth Ora from a business to brand, in this Sresth Ora Case Study. 





🌕 Website Development

🌕 Photo and Videography

🌕 Branding And Packaging

🌕 Social Media Management and Marketing

🌕 Campaign

Sresth Ora Case Study
Golden Ball


It all started when the brand Sresth Ora originally arrived with a mere social media page but when they joined Aspire Digital Media's digital marketing journey, we aimed to give them an experience like nothing before. Sresth Ora stood strong with great products and motive, and with our skills and excellence we took their brand image to the next big level, that is to the wide customer range, to increase their visibility. The Sresth Ora case study would not start if we dont tell how we flew it to digital success. But how did we do that? 

Well, it's a long story but we are all set to begin telling, because in our client's success lies our victory! We took our digital marketing theories and intelligence into making effectively curated strategies that will give the brand greater exposure. We went on to create a Website that stands out, giving every visitor a new experience of shopping altogether. We captured Sresth Ora's essence in every branding moment by investing our many years of knowledge and expertise into it, bringing the brand out in the light of success.

Sresth Ora is now leading with great exposure on digital platforms, gaining reach for their trusted products, evidently winning in their digital marketing journey with Aspire.


Planning and creation is nothing without a smart execution. And we at Aspire put our incredible innovation into motion with the superpowers of digital marketing. We applied the same skills of execution by putting forward our well curated bunch for Sresth Ora into the online world and awaited for success to come through. It did!

Website Development

We believe increasing brand visibility starts from a finely designed website, hence without further adieu our pro Website Developers and SEO team jumped right into creating and optimizing a website that would not only bring them reach but also succeed in delivering the best and smooth user shopping experience. We conducted thorough research, strategies, designs and content to put focus on what the brand offers, keeping it real and authentic all along. With that initiative, we successfully drove traffic and escalated its visibility digitally.


What is a brand without its visionary representation? We believe visual impression is everything when it comes to successfully portraying a brand on digital platforms. Hence, with that in our mind, we headed straight to our production house to capture and click the products of Sresth Ora in its best aura. With lights, camera, and well, a little action from our brains, we successfully videographed and photographed Sresth Ora’s magic in every shoot.

Social Media Marketing

Digital marketing is nothing without building a social community to rely on, and that is where the social media marketing cues in! While at one side we developed a fascinating website and on the other side shooted Sresth Ora’s product, our skillful and very talented social media team sat down to make Sresth Ora the star of social media. Designed with smart strategies, put together with impressive content, Sresth Ora was ready to thrive into the social world and scale up the ladder.

Branding And Packaging

Branding and advertising is the key to give a brand the identity in a social presence. At Aspire we take the branding procedure to a whole new height with our incomparable content, strategic execution, marketing campaigns and so on. We did the same with Sresth Ora too, in order to strengthen their marketing game in the crowd of today’s business landscape, and that too we executed with brilliance which led to success in no time.

Ora Case Study

Social Media Campaign

Marketing campaigns are the way to connect with your audience, and Sresth Ora case study would not be complete without its input. With everything all set and ready to flourish, the last piece to put in the puzzle was campaigning. In order to do so, we hosted the celebration of Mother’s Day as well as Father’s Day with Sresth Ora with a giveaway contest, which not only helped to engage with the audience but also connect to them on an emotional level. Since that,

Ora Case Study



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